Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wonderful, Timeless Advice!

I got this from my sister's blog who got it origianlly  from:

  The Feelin' Feminine Blog:

1. Spread good cheer by smiling often.

2. Instead of adorning your outer person with excessive jewels, adorn your inner person with the priceless gems of a gentle and quiet spirit.

3. Don’t mask the beauty that God has gifted you with by painting your face.

4. Resist the temptation to show off every curve and cranny; dress modestly.

5. A neat and tidy image is far superior to the latest fads and trends. Seek functionality more than fashion.

6. Often a woman seems comely until she opens her mouth. Keep your speech pure and limited.

7. Walk like an heir of grace and not of death. Ditch the cocky carriage for a stride of confidence and humility.

8. You are what you eat. Fill up on nutritious fuel and it will show on the outside.

9. Treat others with kindness and consideration. Do not look down on others but consider them more important than yourself.

10. Spend adequate time in prayer and Scripture before the start of each new day. The time you spend in the presence of Yeshua is never wasted, but flows from within you to touch the lives of each person you meet on your way.

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