Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Some things to think about

Dear Family,

I have been thinking lately about something quite a lot. Maybe because I need to consider these things for myself. (Which I do!) I have been talking to my children about the same thing and thought I might share some of these same thoughts with all of you.

We really need to have a vision that is larger than ourselves. We need to have a vision that is more, and larger, than our self preservation, preservation of our stuff/possessions, and than that of our supposed position in this life. We are here by God's design if we are His. He is the one who has given us our influences and our very life! What are we doing with them? Is life all about us? Or is life all about HIM? The word of God is our life direction. It contains the words of life and gives us clear directives for living holy lives as servants of the King. Are we in the truth? Have we laid everything down of our own doing, pleasures and desires, and taken up HIS cause and purpose? Do we  wallow in self pity?  Or have we counted it all joy to know Him, to possibly suffer for Him?  Do we give glory, honor and praise to our Great and Mighty King? Do we keep records of wrong done to us? Or have we forgiven those who have hurt us?And have we asked forgiveness for all we have done to hurt others? Do we keep clean hearts and pure motives or are we stained by the world and it ways? Have we allowed our flesh and it's desires to lead us in our choices? Do we give or do we take? Do we look to the needs of others or do we look to our own needs and selfish desires? Are we servants or do we want to be served? Do we overlook transgressions or do we hold every wrong done to us, in our hearts for future retaliation?

Our vision must reflect the God of Love. Our whole life should be an act of worship to the ONE who saved us! Our vision should be greater than what we will next attain ,or winning an argument! Our vision should be more about being Christlike, humble, teachable and pleasing to our Awesome God. Do we always look back and feel the need to cover over our tracks or our reputaion? Do we run from truth or to it? Do we have the peace of God that passes all understanding or are we fretting? Are we filled with His hope and grace or filled with anger and hostility towards our brother's and sister's in Christ? Do we seek to be a good example to the world and our families or do we relax when no one is looking? (when we think no one is looking) Is Jesus our best friend or have we alienated Him with our besetting sins and by harboring unforgiveness? Are we full of bitterness or are we clean and full of joy? Are we living in love with the Creator of all? Is our goal to make Him and His truth known, to enjoy and glorify Him forever, or is our goal what we look like to others, and are our self interest more important? Do we seek to make ourselves great or HIM great?

These are all things we all need to think on and examine. I only share because I am a sinner saved by grace and in need of the same sometimes. We all are in such great need of our King of Glory. He is so Amazing and patient with us. We must go to Him and ask Him to make known to us, our failings, and where we fall short of the goal and glory of God, and where we need to give Him complete control. Are we holding tightly to the things of the earth or do we have a light touch? Is He our greatest desire and His word our delight?

Let us all be on our knees daily asking Him to humble us and make us transparent and ready to do all He asks! Let us decrease that He might increase! Let us look to the needs of others. Let us go to the foot of the cross and ask Him to cleanse us of all unrighteousness and to reveal those areas of blindness and deception. May we all be more like Jesus. We can in no way give back what He has given us, but shouldn't we be trying? Shouldn't we have thankful hearts?

Let's make our vision much bigger than ourselves!

Love you all so much and will pray for myself and for you.

In His Amazing and Gracious Grip,

Your sister in Christ,


All photos by my daughter Kelsey!:)


  1. It has been confirmed! I was tested and found wanting!! Much more work needed!!! This is for me just as much as anyone!:):)
