Friday, August 20, 2010

Amazing God!

It is so good to be a part of a heavenly family. God's greatness,  His goodness, mercy, grace and loving kindness are matchless and unbelievably amazing! We deserve nothing, and yet He saw fit to save us (His children) from our own destruction.  He took us by the hand and gently, yet firmly, led us to Himself. What a WONDERFUL God we serve!!!!!! The King of all knows our very thoughts, desires and motives. Shouldn't we then, be always and ever alert to our weakness and failings, that we might ask Him to forgive, and that we would confess to Him daily of our shortcomings so that we may be clean and  able to commune with the King of Glory?! How horrible it would be to know such an incredible ONE as HE and not be able to feel His presence and  the warmth  of His love, How awful to not know His close and strong touch. What if we couldn't feel the His power in prayer and know He is listening? How could we desire anything less? The perfect God, who died for us,  and rose again, wants our hearts, whole and pure, that we might bow before His throne, to worship and adore Him in the fullness of who He is! To love and enjoy Him forever and ever! What am unfathomable gift!!!! Oh, the depths of His love and forgiveness, could we really ever comprehend it?? I say not. We must remain true to Him and His word , we must cling to Him always. We need our God every day! All praise and honor to our Great and Mighty God! Words just can't explain His goodness and nothing can contain Him! Give Him the glory due His Holy name!

Have a superb week and keep short accounts with our Heavenly Father who knows all, sees all, and is everywhere we go.  He knows the very number of hairs on our head and the number of stars in the sky! How amazing is HE!

 Seek to honor, obey and glorify Him! He is all we need! HE is worthy, though we are NOT!

 Safe In His Gracious Grip,

1 comment:

  1. You also, have a tremendous week in the Lord! Love you!
